Educational Opportunities
St Stephen’s School is a mainstream, inclusive school of the Uniting Church dedicated to providing extensive educational opportunities to our students.
Gifted & Talented
Students identified as academically gifted and talented are offered the opportunity to learn in an enriched environment.
A student’s eligibility is identified through diagnostic testing or by invitation using various data to track their progress through formative and summative assessments.
Students achieving well above expected levels take part in specialist lessons focussing on creativity, critical thinking and philosophy. At times there are opportunities to work alongside university and industry mentors in specialist fields of interest.
Our students also take part in academic enrichment competitions and experiences that focus on critical and futuristic thinking skills. Students participate individually or in a team across a variety of disciplines including:
- The Perth Philosothon
- World Scholar’s Cup
- WA Debating League
- Rookie Debating Competition
- Spelling Bee
- Maths Olympiad
- Academic All-Stars
- Murdoch Biotechnology Internship
- Choose Your Own Adventure
- RoboCup Junior
- Tournament of Minds
- Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition by CPA Australia
- OZCLO Australian Computational Linguistics
- Physics
- Future Problem-Solving Scenario Writing
- Gifted & Talented Study Day
Learning Enrichment
St Stephen’s School is a fully inclusive mainstream School that strives for educational equity to all students. We understand some children may face obstacles during their learning journey.
Our teachers utilise differentiation strategies within their daily teaching practice to provide adjustments for students working at different levels. The teachers’ knowledge of their students and their professional expertise allow them to accommodate reasonable adjustments through their lessons and provide appropriate assessment adjustments as required.
Our Learning Enrichment Team provides additional support to our teachers through
- Early Intervention: we are committed to the principle of early intervention and, as such, emphasis is placed on identifying at-risk learners in Early Childhood. Research indicates the earlier intervention is applied, the less likely a child will experience learning gaps at an older school age.
- In the Primary School setting, it may be appropriate to provide targeted literacy and numeracy intervention to identified students for a limited period of time.
- In Senior Years, the focus shifts towards accommodation, especially for those students with diagnosed disabilities.
- Our Team works in partnership with staff, families, health professionals and external agencies to find the most appropriate and effective support for our students.